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Heaven is now happily married and ready to settle back in her hometown. But after a trip to Farthinggale Manor, Heaven is persuaded to stay. Lured by her grandfather to live amidst the wealthy and privileged Heaven seems to have it all until the ghosts of her past rise up once more, threatening her precious new life.
Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents' best friend and their son, Agus. There are three people in the nursing home of Masa Toea Grandma Ani, Grandpa Farid, and Oma Ida. The three are taken care of by Rina, a nurse who is also Agus's girlfriend. Not long after Ambar and Dika's move, Oma Ida's grandson, Arthur, comes to celebrate Eid. Ambar, who has the ability to see mystical things, accidentally gets a vision from the past Ivanna, a Dutch woman, was tortured by Japanese soldiers which resulted in losing her head. A series of mystical events begin to haunt Ambar and all the residents of the nursing home, especially after they find a headless statue in the basement along with a vinyl record containing a scary song. On the day of Eid, things got even more tense when the residents of the orphanage found that Granny Ani has died without a head. Everyone panicky, especially when one by one the mystery of Ivanna's revenge is revealed. With the safety of all the residents of the orphanage now in danger, Ambar is required to finish Ivanna's revenge, before the spirit takes their lives.
故事发展: 四个朋友毕业后决定合租一间公寓,共同开始他们的梦想之旅。他们定期举行会议,分享彼此的进展和困难,并给予彼此鼓励和建议。亚当决定开始建立自己的插画作品集,并在社交媒体上展示自己的作品。他积极参加艺术展览,并与其他艺术家合作。他的作品逐渐获得认可,他受邀举办个人展览,并与出版商签订了插画集出版合同。莉莉开始积极参与当地的环保组织,并组织各种活动和义工项目。她通过社交媒体和公众演讲来宣传环保理念,引起了更多人的关注。她还与政府和企业进行合作,推动可持续发展的政策和实践。这部共 10 集的剧集讲述了四位女友在纽约大学就读时相识的故事,她们现在三十多岁,住在哈莱姆区,作为职业人士,她们试图平衡爱情、生活和职业生涯。[1] [2]
萨曼莎(Samantha)在蒙大拿州(Montana)的牧场是她家族的遗产,因此当开发商出现要购买时,萨姆(Sam)对此并不感兴趣。 但是当他试图赢得她的信任和牧场时,山姆发现他也可能赢得了她的心。
Sam, a brilliant computer hacker seeking a better life, always seems to make the wrong choices, even under the watchful eye of his probation officer, Harry. Now, barred from using the Internet and stuck working fast food with his best friend and fellow hacker, Stanley, Sam poses as a Postal Worker, stealing people's mail to make ends meet. Until one letter changes everything. Written by the beautiful Josie to her dead husband, a Marine killed in Afghanistan, the heart-wrenching missive wakes something in Sam. Desperate to become worthy of such love, he begins following Josie and stealing more letters, until finally finding the courage to introduce himself. As Sam and Josie grow closer, she warms to the possibility of a new life as he's reminded of the values left behind in childhood. But fate shows its hand when Sam's past catches up with him in the form of an aggressive FBI agent and missing Bitcoins. When Josie discovers the truth, she must decide if the betrayal will force her back...
《成长》是一部 2010 年美国恐怖电影,由加布里埃尔·考恩编剧和导演。自1985年开始,大批科学家涌向偏远的富产珍珠的卡特哈克岛,在此进行各种试验研究。直到1988年,致命流感在世界范围内蔓延,为了拯救人类,科学家们召集一群志愿者在卡特哈克岛进行转基因疫苗的试验。他们将一种寄生虫注入人类体内以增强体质,试验虽然初见成效,但大多数参与试验的人员都死于非命。杰米·阿克曼(MirceaMonroe饰)是这场灾难的少数幸存者之一。20年后,为了处理父辈的遗产,杰米和男友、兄长再次返回这个充满了恐怖回忆的小岛。有的人希望通过她找到杀死寄生虫的办法,而与此同时,最新变种寄生虫正在肆意蔓延,岛民的生命受到更大的威胁……1989 年,在卡蒂汉克岛上,科学家梅森·莱恩 (Mason Lane) 利用微小的寄生虫来推动人类进化。该实验造就了更强壮、更聪明、更健康的人类,但出了问题,岛上四分之三的居民死亡。20 年后,青少年杰米、克里斯汀、马可和贾斯汀乘船前往卡蒂汉克岛。杰米的父亲率先发起了创造寄生虫的最初项目,她开始回忆起该项目及其对她家庭的影响。她接待了该项目的另一位科学家拉金 (Larkin) 的拜访,拉金告诉她,她将因继承卡蒂汉克而损失金钱。与此同时,克里斯汀和贾斯汀在外面砍柴并开始调情。他们在河边散步,克里斯汀说,如果贾斯汀踩水看到一只鸟,那么他就会得到“你想要的任何东西”。当他前往河边时,河岸另一端的一个神秘人物向他发送了一种寄生虫,贾斯汀被感染。克里斯汀跑回杰米和马可身边,告诉他们贾斯汀出了什么问题。三人返回贾斯汀,他正在抽搐,把他抱起来,带他回房间。贾斯汀完全康复,他的感官急剧增强。贾斯汀前往当地一家酒吧,并在那里打架。他的能力增强使他能够轻松获胜。贾斯汀与对手的女友亲热,直到他开始窒息并扯掉她的脖子。第二天早上,他醒来,不确定这是否是一个梦。克里斯汀发现了一个巨大的墓地,墓地里有很多人,其日期都可以追溯到 1989 年,这个神秘人物攻击了她,并将他嘴里的寄生虫塞进了她的嘴里。马可和杰米见到了拉金和另一位科学家马卡维尔博士,他们要求见贾斯汀。当杰米和马可逃跑去警告贾斯汀时,杰米被神秘人物绑架并带回了他的家。当民兵接近贾斯汀时,贾斯汀发现了克里斯汀残缺不全的尸体。贾斯汀杀死了民兵,马可在交火中丧生。一名警察发现寄生虫又滑回到马卡维尔医生的腿上,并向他开枪。这个神秘人物透露自己是杰米的父亲梅森·莱恩,他解释说他开发了一种解毒剂配方。杰米带着解药逃跑,与他战斗并警告拉金。杰米将梅森浸泡在盐水中,杀死了他并释放了他体内的寄生虫。拉金和杰米逃离实验室,寄生虫蜂拥而至。拉金透露,马卡维尔博士试图用岛屿继承权的建议来引诱杰米,并假设杰米随身携带了解药。拉金告诉杰米让其中一艘船逃跑,但贾斯汀出现阻止了他们。贾斯汀杀死了拉金,并恳求杰米不要把他留在岛上。杰米在没有他的情况下逃脱,却发现自己也被感染了。她跳进海里消灭寄生虫。六个月后在韩国发生的尾声表明寄生虫仍然活跃。