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本片以一个鬼怪故事为骨架,叙述了五个鬼故事。建筑师沃尔特·格兰杰到郊外一个农庄去洽谈业务。他感到农庄像旧地重游,原来他做过一个可怕的怪梦,屋里所有的人都在梦里出现过的。当他向客人谈及这怪事时,范医生发表自然怀疑论的看法,从而引出每个客人叙述了—段自己亲身经历的鬼故事。影片的结局是原来这一切都是那位建筑师的—场恶梦。英国电影评论家狄妮斯·鲍威尔对本片评价很高,他指出,影片的“许多材料是专为电影而写的...  五个故事  《柩车车夫》的故事讲汽车比赛驾驶员休·格兰杰因汽车赛受伤,躺在病房里。半夜,看见窗外停着的柩车边车夫向他招手。第二天他见到—辆双层公共汽车的售票员正是半夜见到的那个车夫。他不敢上车,几分钟后,这辆双层公共汽车失事翻车。《圣诞节故事》讲有一年圣诞节,姑娘萨利参加聚会。大家玩捉迷藏,萨利安慰一个孤独哭泣的小男孩。事后,有人告诉她,小男孩早在几年前被他的姐姐杀死。《妖镜》讲的是琼·考特兰买了一面古老的镜子,送给未婚夫彼得。彼得照镜子时,反映出发生过主人谋杀妻子凶杀案的屋子。彼得的心理被镜子里的人控制,他动手扼住琼的喉咙。琼机智地打碎了魔镜。彼得才从梦魇中解脱出来。《玩高尔大球的故事》讲两个玩高尔夫球的好朋友,同时爱上一个女人。不久,其中一个死了,另一个同那女人结婚。新婚之夜,死去的高尔夫球手来“显灵”,搞恶作剧。《腹语家的木偶》讲一个腹语家被他的木偶蛊惑的遭遇。
Stephen Arrowsmith (Paul Muller), a scientist experimenting with the possibility of regenerating blood through electricity has his home and laboratory in the castle owned by his wife Muriel (Barbara Steele). Arrowsmith finds her later having sex with a gardener and disfigures him with a hot poker and burns Muriel's face with acid before electrocuting both of them. Arrowsmith hides their hearts in an urn and then uses their blood to rejuvenate the aged servant Solange (Helga Liné).  Later, Arrowsmith realizes that he is not Muriel's heir, but that the estate has been willed to her sister Jenny (Barbara Steele). Jenny is mentally unstable, and Arrowsmith marries her, later planning to have Solange drive her to the brink of sanity. Jenny begins having nightmares which include the sound of beating hearts and Muriel's voice urging her to murder Stephen. Arrowsmith brings Jenny to the doctor Derek Joyce (Marino Masé) who is convinced that supernatural forces are at work. Arrowsmith later tries to give Solange another blood transfusion, the doctor then discovers the hidden hearts of Muriel and the gardener. The two return as ghosts with Muriel burning Stephen alive while David reduces Solange to a skeleton by sucking her blood. The doctor and Jenny leave the castle and consign the two found hearts to a fire.