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《我与卡明斯基》是沃尔夫冈·贝克执导的喜剧电影,由丹尼尔·布鲁尔、加斯帕·克里斯滕森等主演,于2015年9月17日在德国上映。该片讲述了专栏作者赛巴斯提昂·车尔诺为得到给老艺术大师康明斯基写传记的授权而想尽各种办法的故事 [1]  。康明斯基(加斯帕·克里斯滕森JesperChristensen饰)是名震画坛的传奇画家,然而,随着年龄的增长,渐渐老去的他选择隐姓埋名离群索居,渐渐地,人们忘却了他的姓名。塞巴斯蒂安(丹尼尔·布鲁赫DanielBrühl饰)是一位极度渴望成名的艺术评论家,他决定通过撰写康明斯基的传记来替自己挣一个好前程,内心里的算盘早已经打好。塞巴斯蒂安驱车来到了康明斯基的家,哪知道等待着他的是一连串的失败和挫折。在康明斯基的要求下,塞巴斯蒂安带着他踏上旅途寻找初恋情人,经历了一连串的波折和麻烦,塞巴斯蒂安才知道,原来康明斯基早就接收了另一位记者的采访,自己则是从头至尾都被这个老头子耍的团团转。画家曼努埃尔·卡明斯基是毕加索的好友,享年89岁,现代古典主义最后的代表人物,评论家歌颂他,收藏家追捧他。塞巴斯蒂安·策尔纳是个勃勃野心的年轻人,做梦都在想自己作为卡明斯基传记的撰写者,因他的去世而名利双收,梦里都在想着老爷子快点死。他去采访每一个跟卡明斯基有过交集的人,艺术家、评论家,这些人看起来古怪又有趣。他发现每个人口中的卡明斯基似乎都不一样,但最终的落脚点都一样——他是一个盲人画家。终于,策尔纳找到了攻克卡明斯基的密钥。他“绑架”了卡明斯基,带着他去寻找年轻时的女朋友——特蕾泽 [4]  。
CLOUD WHISPERS (WT) tells the tragicomic story of 60-year old Charlotte, who leaves her old life behind at a motorway pull-in in order to embark on a road trip with her granddaughter Jo and a dead cat. Her husband Paul and her daughter Alex are left puzzled and somewhat shocked. Charlotte and Jo's first impulse just to run away develops more and more into a self-determined new beginning. Far away from home and out of old patterns, they dive deep into the here and now, facing their fears and welcoming the surprises which only life and love can offer. But Paul catches up to Charlotte. Yet he has first to learn how to dream again or he will never get her back. Whereas Alex will fall deeply in love with someone she would have never expected. And Jo realizes that there is more between heaven and earth, than she will ever get out of her scientific book collection...