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交换生李小李(谢承泽 饰)来到日本东京偏僻的“渊野边”留学一年。呆板木讷的他一心想要打工却屡屡碰壁,终于在老同学邱邱(邱天 饰)的帮助下找到一家中华料理店。代理店长管唯(齐溪 饰)收留照顾他、店员青木(牛超 饰)视他为情敌、后厨大师傅老万(陈永忠 饰)小师傅宋哥(宋宁峰 饰)倒都对他爱答不理……李小李的到来打破了地下一层的沉寂、也卷入进每个人的生活之中。时间稍纵即逝。下一个春天到来前、有人留下,有人离开,而那些刚刚羁绊成型的“限定亲情、临时友情、类似爱情”又会何去何从?
【Based on comic books】The Cream Lemon Video Series based on the popular manga of the same title, focusing on the forbidden love between brothers and sisters. 1st Title Please tell me…am I a bad girlOn her 18th birthday, Ami decides to meet her estranged father and brother. While searching for her father's house, Ami is assaulted by thugs and is saved by Hiroshi who happened to be passing by. Hiroshi takes Ami back to his house to care for her wounds. They’ve never met, but they feel a profound affinity. Then, they kiss. However, when Hiroshi's father gets home, they discover a devastating fact that they are siblings. Controlling their desires, Ami and Hiroshi live with their father. Meanwhile, Ami finds herself being rude to Hiroshi's girlfriend, Madoka and Hiroshi try to settle this predicament amicably.....